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What is Gestalt Therapy?

GESTALT THERAPY (Simply Explained)

Get Better Help: Therapy was created by Fritz Perls. It is an experiential and existential type of therapy. This means it uses present moment techniques to examine the i...

New Contemporary Gestalt

Robert W Resnick, Ph D – New Contemporary Gestalt Therapy

In Depth Discussion About New Contemporary Gestalt Practice

Relevant Research

Trotter, K.S. and Bagerly, J.N., (2019). Equine-Assisted Mental Health for Healing Trauma

Trotter, K.S. and Bagerly, J.N., (2019). Equine-Assisted Mental Health Interventions (2019)Trotter, K.S. and Bagerly, J.N., (2019). Equine-Assisted Mental Health Interventions (2019)a

Ewing, C.A., MacDonald, P.J., Taylor, M., & Bowers, M.J. (2007). Equine-facilitated learning for youths with severe emotional disorders: A quantitative and qualitative study. Child Youth Care Forum, 36, 59-72.

Frewin, K., & Gardiner, B. (2005). New Age or Old Sage? A Review of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. The Australian Journal of Counselling Psychology, 6(1): 13-17.

Froug, R., Baughman, D., Bennett, T., Renee-Smith, R., Merrill, S., & Farrington, T. (2010). The Effects of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy on Anxiety and Depression in the Chronically Mentally Ill. NADD Bulletin, 10(1).

Karol, J. (2007). Applying a Traditional Individual Psychotherapy Model to Equine-facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP): Theory and Method. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 12(1): 77-90.

Kemp, K., Signal, T., Botros, H., Taylor, N., & Prentice, K. (2014). Equine Facilitated Therapy with Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused: A Program Evaluation Study. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(3): 558-566.

Klontza, B. T., Bivensb, A., Leinartc, D., & Klontzd, T. (2007). The Effectiveness of Equine-Assisted Experiential Therapy: Results of an Open Clinical Trial. Society and Animals, 15(3): 257-267.

Nurenberg, J. R., Schleifer, S. J., Shaffer, T. M., Yellin, M., Desai, P. J., Amin, R., Bouchard, A., & Montalvo, C. (2015). Animal-Assisted Therapy With Chronic Psychiatric Inpatients: Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy and Aggressive Behavior. Psychiatric Services, 66(1): 80-86.

Schultz, P. N., Remick-Barlow, G. A., & Robbins, L. (2007). Equine-assisted Psychotherapy: A Mental Health Promotion/Intervention Modality for Children Who Have Experienced Intra-family Violence. Health and Social Care in the Community, 15(3): 265-271.

Signal, T., Taylor, N., Botros, H., Prentice, K., & Lazarus, K. (2013). Whispering to Horses: Childhood Sexual Abuse, Depression and the Efficacy of Equine Facilitated Therapy. Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand, 5(1): 24-32.

Trotter, K. S., Chandler, C. K., Goodwin-Bond, D., & Casey, J. (2008). A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Group Equine Assisted Counseling With At- Risk Children and Adolescents. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health and Social Care in the Community, 3(3): 254-284

Horses that heal: The effectiveness of Equine Assisted Growth and Learning on the behaviour of students diagnosed with Emotional Disorder. Unpublished Maters thesis. Colorado Christian University

Trotter, Say, Sudekum (2006) The efficacy of Equine Assisted group counselling with at risk children and adolescents. Doctorate of Philosophy (Counselling) University of North Texas.

Zugich, M., Klontz, T., and Leinart, D. (2002). The miracle of equine therapy. Counselor Magazine, 3 (6), pp. 22- 27

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